Hey people reading this!
I've discovered this website (also comes as an app) called Padlet. You can make an account for free here: http://padlet.com/. Padlet is a software that basically gives you a wall. This wall can be used for anything, including presentations, profiles, and collages, or even as a blog itself! You can insert most media, such as links and videos. Padlet is very simple and easy to use. Take a look at the "About Me" wall I made with Padlet! http://padlet.com/wall/colourfuldecorations
Everything about Padlet is very basic: image, title, description. You can resize images and customize the background. However, like Bamboo Paper (an app I described before here), there is something appealing about it. I think it is a very effective way to convey whatever information you want to convey. So go ahead, and create your own wall here!
Sorry, this was a bit short. G'luck with your wall ;)
-Constance Wang
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